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Welcome to Grandiflora Flowers

We are set up for contactless transactions for pick up or delivery.


Grandiflora flowers, white flowers florist choice
Designer Florist Bouquet

Let us create a bouquet of seasonal blooms. Tell us the occasion or colour preference and we will custom design a special bouquet for you. Add a vox box or vase.


Modest | $60.00

Generous | $85.00 

Spectacular | $150.00

Signature Grandiflora Posy

Our popular large posy with a selection of dainty flowers. Choose your colour palette, soft shades or bright tones


Modest | $55.00

Generous | $75.00 

Spectacular | $120.00

Grandiflora Posy Flowers
Grandiflora posy in vase pastel colours
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